Green Deal, reality more than a myth!
Nowadays the world is facing several challenges that require urgent action. One of the most critical ones is climate change. We truly experienced one of the hottest springs in decades in The Netherlands which poses a threat not only for endemic species, local environment but on large scale our precious biodiversity. Secondly, we are facing a world health crisis due to COVID-19, which not only impacted our daily life but also different social sectors. These facts are showing the real effects of a pandemic in a ‘’ modern’’ society and its deep negative impact on the economy of a country or cooperative region. In the end, all those crises are connected and luckily there seems to be a smart solution to move towards Green Recovery.
To get out of these crises, we need to start thinking about concrete actions because if we don’t do it, nobody will! We need to stand for and at least start to change this world for the better. In the European Union, the Green Deal is part of the Green Recovery plan. But do you know what the Green Deal is about? Do you know that the European Commission is aware of the relevant role of energy youth people to reach Europe’s climate-neutral continent by 2050?
In this webinar, we will give more insights on the Green Deal in general with a focus on the energy policy with two representatives from the European Commission related to Green Deal. Moreover, we should realize that the policy that is made now will influence the work we will do in the coming decades. So how can we, as young professionals, become involved? And why would you do that?
Please join us during the next webinar to learn and discuss with us and don’t miss this opportunity to engage in initiatives and get to know energy peers from the Netherlands and Europe.