Event | Big data in the energy sector: what are the opportunities?

We live in a world where collecting, using and managing data has become part of our daily life – consciously or unconsciously. In the light of the energy transition, there are many possibilities to leverage data on e.g. solar power production or electricity consumption patterns in households to achieve improved efficiency. The major question that arises is: how can we use big data to accelerate the energy transition?

Our two excellent speakers will shed light on the opportunities big data bring to develop innovative tools that enable an accelerated energy transition. Furthermore, the topic of data security concerns will also be referred to.

[message_box title=”Evening details” color=”white”]
Date: October 18th, 2016
Time: 19:00 (walk-in) 19:30(start)
Location: Academiegebouw, Domplein 29, 3512 JE Utrecht

[message_box title=”Agenda” color=”white”]
19:30-19:45 : Introduction by YES-DC
19:45-20:30 : Robin Hagemans
20:30-20:45 : Break
20:45-21:30 : Ronald Root
21:30-22:00 : Interactive discussion
22:00-23:00 : Drinks



[message_box title=”Robin Hagemans, Lead Advanced Analytics Program, Alliander” color=”white”]

Robin HagemansRobin is chairman of the analytics programme at Alliander where he is responsible for advanced models in condition and capacity of the grid, market developments and operational excellence. He is interested in creating innovations and advanced analytics solutions for electrical & gas grid related functions into robust, scalable and integrated IT/OT data solutions. At Alliander, he also worked as manager for both Innovation & Livelab and grid control & information.


[message_box title=”Ronald Root, Senior Data Driven Business Developer, Eneco” color=”white”]

Ronald RootRonald is a data driven energy transition enthusiast who currently works at Eneco in the Innovations and Ventures department as senior data driven business developer. He is mainly concerned with finding data based solutions to accelerate the energy transition in renewables. Furthermore, his responsibilities lie with balancing privacy law and innovation in the context of TOON. Before that he worked among others as a consultant at GEN Germany to deliver data management and forecasting consultancy services in the German energy market.


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