The long awaited network event of YES-DC now has a date!
On the 14th of December, YES-DC will bring together its members with a focus on networking and career opportunities in the field of energy and development.
For this year’s network event, YES-DC has arranged presentations from recruiters, a workshop (by Saskia Slotboom) that will coach you on how to give the best impression in your network meetins, job interviews and job berformance reviews (see more) and speed dating sessions with the recruiters! Last but not least, the evening will close with a social get together and some drinks.
Places are limited, so sign up using the form below, or contancing us through e-mail.
The programme of the evening is:
19:00 – 19:30 Welcome and Presentations from the recruiters
19:30 – 20:30 Workshop by Saskia Slotboom
20:30 – 20:45 Break
20:45 – 21:30 Speed dating with the recruiters
21:30 Drinks
And don’t forget. Places are limited!