YES-DC Network Event: What it takes to be a young professional in a changing world – Fri. 13 December 2013 (registration opened)

YES-DC Network Event:
What it takes to be a young professional in a changing world.

We are not in an era of change, but in a change of era’s. The world is changing at a rapid pace, and we – students and young professionals – have to try and catch up. This YES-DC event will try to offer everybody the right insights and tools to do so. We will start off with Jasper Leunk, digital strategist at eFocus. He will tell us how the online world is changing our daily reality, the energy business, and our careers. Then, Timo Spijkerboer will tell us about his experiences over the past year. Having talked to many CEOs, young professionals, and students, he knows exactly what they are looking for – and how they often misunderstand each other. Finally, we will finish with some old school offline speed dating. Over the years, YES-DC created a tremendous network of passionate people, but how well do we know each other? This time, we will stop listening to old men in grey suites, and start listening to each other.

[message_box title=”Evening details” color=”white”] Date: Fri. 13 December 2013
Time: 19:00-22:00
Location: Faculty Club, Achter de Dom 7, 3512 JN, Utrecht [/message_box]


– 19:00: Welcome with coffee and tea
– 19:20: Opening: Introduction YES-DC/topic by Gijs Diercks
– 19:30: Jasper Leunk (Digital Strategist, independent): ‘The online world, and the energy business, and the young professional.’
– 20:05: Timo Spijkerboer (Founder of Transition Talents): ‘ How to connects talented energy professionals with leading organizations in the energy arena’.
– 20:20: Break
– 20:40: Speeddating In short intervals of five minutes, we challenge each other to express what is most important to know about you and your interlocutor.
– 22:00: Network drinks at Academiegebouw Utrecht


The Faculty club can be reached by foot (10 minute walk from Utrecht Central Station). After passing right under the Dom Tower, cross over and pass the church. Take the first street to your right hand (Achter de DOM) and you will find the Faculty Club at number 7. The venue can also be reached by car – the nearest car park is located at the Springweg, a ten-minute walk from the University Hall.

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