EVENT: Economic growth and energy

Energy is an important production factor that is essential to economic growth. World primary energy use has grown enormously since the middle of the 19th century, and it has brought us unprecedented wealth and comfort.

Recent developments have made apparent that energy use does not come without cost. The oil crises of the 1970s and, more recently, the environmental problems associated with economic growth and increasing energy use have made governments strive for a greener form of economic growth, aiming to decouple growth from environmental pressure.

This change is proving difficult. Our modern economy has been “energy hungry” and a “fossil-addict” for many decades.

This event will focus on the energy transition from an economic perspective:
What have we achieved in terms of decoupling energy use from economic growth?
What are the implications of decoupling growth from energy use for large energy consumers?

[message_box title=”Evening details” color=”white”] Date: Tuesday 12 May, 2015
Time: 19:00h
Location: Maskeradezaal Academiegebouw, Domplein 29, 3512 JE Utrecht[/message_box]


19.00 Walk in with coffee and tea

19.30 Intro by YES-DC: Historical GDP and energy development in the world

19.40 Prof. Sjak Smulders: Economics of the Energy Transition
Mr. Smulders, professor at University of Tilburg, will discuss the energy transition from a macro-economic point of view, highlighting limits to efficiency and market externalities.

20.10 Dr. Maarten Biermans (Consultant – Spring Associates)
Mr. Biermans is an Associate Principal at Spring Associates. Strategic challenges (corporate) venturing and responsible investing (incl. impact investing) are his focus areas. He has worked at SEO Economic Research, Citibank and Lost boys. Mr. Biermans will discuss the fact that oil prices are going down rapidly due to decreasing demand. The drop from $115,- to $70,- per barrel causes many businesses to bust. What are the financial returns in such a volatile world?

20.40 Break with coffee and tea

20.55 Gerard Jagers (Tata Steel): Trade-off in steel production vs. energy consumption
Mr. Jägers, manager Energy Efficiency at TATA Steel, will discuss the implications of decoupling energy demand from growth for large energy consumers. TATA Steel spends almost 15 mln euros on energy each year, and is the largest single energy user in the Netherlands.

21:25 – 22:00: Discussion & Questions

Like most YES-DC events, this evening will end with drinks in a nearby cafe!

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