Inspirational Feed

Report UNFCCC in Bonn

By Mariësse van Sluisveld On behalf of YES-DC I got the opportunity to have a look at the ‘intermezzo’ UNFCCC negotiations that take place in Bonn every year.  Being granted the observer-status you have access to a wide selection of side-events which are held in small rooms close to the negotiation room.  So

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Report: Economic growth and energy

On the 12th of May in 2015, a group of roughly forty young energy specialists gathered to discuss everything related to the relation between energy and economic growth. After a short introduction to the subject by YES-DC’s very own Friso Huizinga, three experts took the floor. The energy transition: a

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EVENT: India energy review

The India energy review. June 17th at the Academiegebouw in Utrecht. Speakers from the IEA, FMO (The Dutch development bank) and Energy Indeed confirmed! With a population of 1,25 billion people, India is the largest democracy in the world. At present the country is relatively poor with the level of

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EVENT: Economic growth and energy

Energy is an important production factor that is essential to economic growth. World primary energy use has grown enormously since the middle of the 19th century, and it has brought us unprecedented wealth and comfort. Recent developments have made apparent that energy use does not come without cost. The oil

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General Assembly – 10 March 2015, 19:00

General Assembly 10 March 2015, 19:00, NJR, Utrecht [message_box title=”Evening details” color=”white”] Date: Tuesday 10 March 2015 Time: 19:00 Location: Nederlandse Jeugdraad, Kromme Nieuwegracht 58, Utrecht [/message_box] YES-DC announces it’s next General Assembly. All members are invited to attend on March 10th. Further we will discuss about YES-DC’s progress in

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Final program: Smart Grid game – Saturday 14 March

Ready to participate instead of sitting down and listening? The Smart Grid Game is a role playing game in which you experience and deal with the complexity of the energy system. Realising the energy transition is something no single actor can do on its own. Achieving this common goal, but

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Final program: Heat – Tuesday 24 February 2015 – 19h

The current discussions on energy all too often hinge toward the energy use in transport and especially the demand and production of electricity. The demand and supply of heat remains largely underexposed, this is not justified as heating (and cooling) accounts for 46% of total final energy demand worldwide. In

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YES-DC seeks a new board for 2015!

YES-DC seeks new energetic board for 2015! As this year’s last events is coming closer, it is time for us to start looking for a new board for YES-DC for 2015. We are looking for enthusiastic and ambitious people to organize next year’s YES-DC events. Our distinctive group of members,

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YES-DC lustrum Pub Quiz! 23 January 2015

YES-DC organizes an energy and development Pub quiz on January 23rd, to celebrate its 20th birthday! Join us for a fun and informative night, where teams will be formed that will compete for the championship. Admission is free, 3 drinks included. If you like to bring non YES-DC members they

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Excursion to Brussels: European Commission & ENTSO-E, Fri 26th September

Europe The European energy policy, the European electricity grid, all these topics are discussed in Brussels. It affects everyone in Europe. YES-DC is going to visit Brussels on Friday 26th September. We will visit the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Energy and European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E).

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