Inspirational Feed

Conference 5 Nov | Stranded Assets

Update 29 November: Please find the slides of the conference here. [divider scroll_text=”SCROLL_TEXT”]   Climate change has enormous economic, social and financial implications for economies around the world. The famous 2006 Stern Report urges us to take action, and claims that postponing action will only cost us more in the end. However,

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Event | Big data in the energy sector: what are the opportunities?

We live in a world where collecting, using and managing data has become part of our daily life – consciously or unconsciously. In the light of the energy transition, there are many possibilities to leverage data on e.g. solar power production or electricity consumption patterns in households to achieve improved efficiency. The major question that

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Event | Energy Access

Although for many of us energy is considered a basic need and we do not even think about it, still 1.2 billion people in the world do not have access to energy. With cheaper and more efficient sustainable energy technologies which are a good fit for many developing regions, several

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Event | Networking Workshop

Networking is of vital importance for any young professional but many feel uncomfortable doing it or do not get the most out of networking events. Therefore YES-DC organises a networking workshop for you this month with an external expert on communication and networking. We are very excited we could invite such a great

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Networking event | Entrepreneur meets Energy specialist

Do you want to hear about innovative ideas of clean-tech businesses from the front line? Do you want to get to know the young entrepreneurs and energy specialists that are making a difference in our sector? Then take part in the networking event co-hosted by the Climate-KIC Alumni Association, Climate-KIC and

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Event | Storage: the missing piece in the energy puzzle

2016 is proving to be an exciting year for storage. Developments such as the Tesla powerwall, secondary control using car batteries, and artificial lake storage claim to stabilize the energy supply and enable decarbonisation. Where will the future take us? This first event organized by the new Board and Event Committee

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Next event: The future of the Dutch energy system

The next YES-DC event will expand upon the future trends of the Dutch energy sector. The event will focus on the future energy scene from different perspectives. The influence of local energy initiatives and cooperatives on the energy future will be explained, as well as the influence of energy scenarios.

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Next event: Oil and the Syrian conflict

Join us for the next YES-DC event on the ongoing conflict in Syria, and find out more about the role of energy in Middle Eastern tensions. When the Arab Spring started in 2011, it soon spread to Syria. Unlike in other countries, the Syrian army did not massively desert to

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YES-DC is looking for board members

YES-DC seeks new energetic board for 2016! As this year’s last events is coming closer, it is time for us to start looking for a new board for YES-DC for 2016. We are looking for enthusiastic and ambitious people to organize next year’s YES-DC events. Our distinctive group of members,

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COP in Paris

As an association affliated with the UNFCC, YES-DC has had the privilege to send a delegation of its members to Paris. On this page, an impression of their experience will be shared, as well as interesting articles relating to the COP. Read more about their experiences in their own reports,

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Masterclass energy finance

Masterclass energy finance From financing the exploration and exploitation of offshore oil fields to financing large solar farms; project finance is a driving factor in the development of the energy industry. Gaining an understanding of the key principles behind project finance can mean the difference between success and failure in

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Next YES-DC event: LNG

LNG: What are the prospects? October 28th at the Academiegebouw in Utrecht. The role of natural gas in the world’s energy mix is steadily increasing (see the graph below), in part because of the relatively low CO2 emissions released while burning gas, and the high conversion efficiency in gas-fired power

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YES-DC excursion 2015

MPP3 POWER PLANT AND BOAT RIDE, 30SEPT 2015 Excursion to the high efficiency 1.1 GW E.ON coal fired power plant on the Maasvlakte near Rotterdam, followed by a boat ride through the Europort. A full day of activities and interesting information gained by first hand! E.ON’s MPP3 is a 1100

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YES-DC Network event

YES-DC Network event, 17 september 2015 YES-DC is proud to announce its 2015 network event. Interesting presentations will be given by networking proffesionals which will be followed by several interactive activities. Don’t miss the chance to meet interesting people, with whom you can interact during a mini energy battle. Exchange ideas and opinions

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Report: India energy review

By Thomas van der Vliet The YES-DC India energy review was held on the 17th of June at the Academiegebouw in Utrecht. The topic of India was chosen because it is a major developing country with rapidly increasing energy demand and the country doesn’t get as much attention as it

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